15 Common Questions Asked by Testers

We receive great questions from our testers every day, so we collected the most common questions in case you’ve been wondering about these things as well. Check them out!

1. Can anyone be a beta tester for Betabound?
Yes, anyone can be a beta tester for Betabound! Developers seek testers from all sorts of backgrounds, so there’s no “techie” experience necessarily required. That being said, our ideal tester is at least eighteen years old and is someone responsive, clear, and puts their best foot forward. If you feel like you might be a fit for our tester community, you most likely are, so we encourage you to join!

2. What is Centercode?
Centercode is the beta test management company behind Betabound that built the platform you use during Betabound tests. Centercode has helped companies of all shapes and sizes connect with their target markets by announcing exclusive testing opportunities on Betabound, ultimately improving their product before launch.

3. How do I become a beta tester for one of the cool companies you work with?
There are two types of Centercode clients: software and services customers. Software clients (like Fitbit, Nest, Sonos, etc.) license Centercode’s beta management platform so their internal team can manage their product’s beta test. Services clients (like Logitech, Verizon, Linksys, etc.) utilize Centercode’s beta managers to run and manage their beta test using the Centercode platform. With tester recruitments for both of these client types, we’ll email you if we think your test platforms or testing interests might make you a good fit! We’ll usually announce these Betabound Exclusive testing opportunities on the Betabound homepage as well. However, we still recommend checking your email inbox to ensure you aren’t missing these betas. Also, by marking “Yes” under your profile’s “Recruitment Settings,” you can consent to these companies emailing you about opportunities to join their private tester communities!

4. As a beta tester, what exactly would I be doing?
Being a good beta tester is all about providing helpful feedback. If you’re accepted as a tester for a Betabound Exclusive test, our team will expect you to log in at least once a day, keep the test a secret, provide your honest feedback about the product you’re testing, engage in discussion forums, and return all the requested testing materials at the close of a test. You’ll receive direction from your test’s beta manager every step of the way, and you can always get help during a beta test if you’re confused by anything.

5. Do I get paid to be a beta tester with Betabound?
No, you do not get paid to be a beta tester. All of our testers are volunteers. That being said, testers in our beta tests can earn things like free products and gift cards (not cash) for being great testers!

6. I received a product, do I get to keep it?
Please do not join a test with the expectation that you will get to keep the product, as that is not always the case. Every test is different, but some companies do give incentives to testers that provide high-quality and helpful feedback. This could include gift cards, t-shirts, or even getting to keep the product. What the incentive is and who will receive it is determined after a test has been completed. It is also common for clients to request specific units back from testers so they can investigate any nuances that come up during the duration of a test. 

7. Why do you ask for so much information during sign up?
Our clients are often looking for testers that fit very specific demographics. We ask for this information up front so you don’t have to fill it out every time you apply for a beta test. Plus, this information helps us better match you with exclusive beta testing opportunities that match you with your testing abilities and the products you’re genuinely interested in testing!

8. Do I get to choose which products I get to test?
Yes, each time we have a new beta test you’ll get an email with some information about the test and its requirements. You can decide if you want to apply for that test, just as you can choose which available tests you’d like to participate in on our homepage.

9. What’s the difference between emailed tests and ones on the homepage?
The tests we email you are Betabound Exclusive tests and Partner Betas. Based on the products you added to your test platforms or the testing interests you shared on your Betabound profile, we email you about these beta opportunities because we think you might be interested in applying. Alternatively, the Betabound homepage showcases Betabound Exclusive tests, Partner Betas, and Unaffiliated beta tests. However, not all Betabound Exclusive tests and Partner Betas appear on the homepage, so it’s essential to regularly check your email inbox. Unaffiliated betas are from companies that don’t use the Centercode platform or services team to run their beta test, but are still looking for enthusiastic beta testers. We share these opportunities on the Betabound homepage because they offer additional products to test, and typically don’t have a competitive application process. Unaffiliated betas are added to the Betabound homepage daily, so you could be beta testing 24/7!

10. I feel like I never get picked. What am I doing wrong?
Our beta tests are really competitive, but don’t lose hope! The best way of boosting your chances of getting selected is to be thorough and honest when applying to our tests, ensuring your test platforms and testing interests are up-to-date, regularly checking your email inbox for recruitment announcements, participating in community surveys, and following us on social media to make sure you’re not missing out on beta opportunities or tester tips!

For more advice, be sure to check out our Beta Tester Blog. It has great information about submitting tester feedback, acing test applications, and more! Also, feel free to email us at hello@betabound.com if you ever have any beta-related questions. We’re here to help! Who knows, you might help inspire a future blog post.

11. Is there a mobile app?
Yes! You now have the opportunity to find product testing opportunities and submit feedback even if you are not home. The Centercode mobile app is available on the App Store for iOS and the Google Play Store for Android.

12. Am I doing okay/participating enough on this test?
It can be tricky to know if you are doing enough on a test, but thankfully every test will provide you with a Tester Expectations Agreement. This agreement states the required activities and general guidelines you should follow. This includes completing all activities in a timely manner, recording any issues, ideas, or praise, voting on feedback you agree with, and logging into the project frequently. You are always welcome to contact your test manager if you have any concerns about your participation in a test.

13. If I am out of town for __ amount of time, can I still test?
If you do not think you will be able to participate in the entire test, please contact your test manager immediately and they’ll let you know what to do from there. Most tests start a week or two after they are posted on Betabound, and will be in the testing phase anywhere from a week to several months. Often test start dates and length will be provided to you in the qualification survey, but you can always reach out to Betabound if you are unsure about the time requirements. Some tests allow you to bring the product with you and test on the go, but that is not always the case.

14. Who is Ted and can you tell him I’m testing?
Ted is Centercode’s virtual assistant and will send you emails based on your participation level in a particular test. If Ted is enabled in a project, you are unable to opt out of his emails.

15. Is there another test I can be on coming up?
We cannot guarantee a spot for any one person, regardless of how many tests they have been on before or their experience with testing. There will always be more tests coming. All of our testing opportunities are posted on Betabound’s homepage, including exclusive, partner, and community tests. It’s recommended that you check in there once in a while if you want to ensure you do not miss an opportunity. Additionally, everyone who signed up for Betabound is now automatically subscribed to the weekly Beta Blast newsletter. With this newsletter, you can find out about the latest tests on Betabound without having to check the front page frequently.

Haven’t updated your Betabound account recently? Log in now!

2 Responses to “15 Common Questions Asked by Testers”

  1. Jamie T

    centercode really needs to create an app for testers to make the process easier for us. I know I heard it’s in development, but it really would be easier to log in, and especially follow up.

    • Betabound

      Hey Jamie! It’s a project that’s definitely in the works for our team. In the meantime, you can still log into Betabound via your smartphone’s web browser. Many of our testers have Betabound bookmared in that format to make logging in a little easier. Thanks for sharing that feedback! 🙂


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