Our 5 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2014

It’s been a gigantic year for us at Betabound. Not only did we give our tester community a complete facelift and rebranding, but our community has also grown tremendously. We’re very excited to see Betabound evolving into what is today, and always look forward to seeing what it’ll be in the future. When we look back over the last year, we like to identify where we saw the most interest and buzz amongst our testers, and then use that to continue improving the community experience for you.

Our Betabound blog is one place where we like to begin doing this. Whether you’re brand new to Betabound, or a Betabound veteran, our blog is a fantastic place to learn how to become a great beta tester and sharpen your beta testing skills. Let’s take a look at the five most popular blog posts that we published in 2014.

#5 The 7 Major Beta Tester Responsibilities
As a beta tester, whenever you sign up for a test, there are a number responsibilities that you take on. This blog post dives into exactly what we expect from our beta testers, so that you’re aware of what you’re signing up for when you join one of our tests.

#4 The 6 Different Types of Betabound Testers: Which Are You?
People beta test for a number of different reasons. There’s really no right or wrong reason to test products, just as long as the product gets the honest, genuine testing experience it needs. This blog post explores the six different types of people that we’ve come across throughout the last decade that we’ve been doing this.

#3 The One Question You’ll See on Every Betabound Application
This blog post was actually sparked by a comment from one of our Betabound community members. It addresses one very important question that every beta tester must answer when applying for one of our beta tests. “Why you would be a good candidate for this beta test?” This post goes into what beta managers look for in their applicants’ responses.

#2 Boost Your Chances of Getting Selected
This topic is something that any person interested in beta testing can appreciate. If you’re a seasoned tester, you know quite well that you don’t always get selected for every test you apply for. This post outlines some valuable tips and sound advice on how to better your odds of being selected for the beta tests you choose.

#1 Welcome to Betabound!
This post was obviously our first, and it sits at #1 as our most viewed post. It’s the best place to get started if you’re new to Betabound. It gives you all of the information you need to get involved in our beta testing community. From our rebranding to Betabound, to our improved tester experience, to the new mobile user interface, this post explains it all.

As 2015 begins, we’d like to thank you (all of our community members) for making Betabound into what it is today. Our community has never been stronger and our experiences with our testers have never been better. We look forward to continuing building our community with you in 2015, and can’t wait to get your feedback on tons of cool, new products so that they wow their customers when released. We can’t do it without you!

Haven’t joined the Betabound community yet? Sign up now!

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