7 Things To Do After Signing Up For Betabound

So you’ve just signed up to be a Betabounder. You filled out your profile(s) and ended up on your community dashboard. Now you’re waiting to receive potential testing opportunities. As you wait to join your first test, we’ve come up with a few things you can do to make the most of your membership in the community and prepare to be an amazing tester once you’re selected.


1. Add Your Test Platforms

The first thing you should do after creating your account is add test platform profiles to your account. Test platforms are the devices you already own that you might use to test a pre-released product, such as your smartphone or computer. On the left side of the screen, click “Add New Platform”. You will be shown a table full of different platforms to choose from (mobile phone, personal computer, etc). Fill out one for each product you own. The more devices you add to your profile, the more we will be able to know what tests might be a fit for you.

2. Complete Your Extended Profile

Having a completed Extended Profile within Betabound will increase the amount of testing opportunities that are offered to you. You can opt in to complete the Extended Profile at the bottom of your Basic Profile. Some tests will optionally require this to be completed when you apply for them, so you can save some time by getting it done early.

3. Join the Betabound Ambassador Program

If you didn’t join the Ambassador program upon completing your Extended Profile, navigate back to the Extended Profile page and tick the box at the bottom to become an Ambassador. You might be asking yourself “What is a Betabound Ambassador?”. Well, Betabound’s Ambassador program is a special, opt-in group where you can earn rewards for helping us find the right testers for specific tests. For each tester that you refer for a test, you’ll receive a reward when they sign up and fully participate (meet expectations) in that project. Also, as part of this program, we’ll ask for your feedback on new ideas and improvements that we may roll out to the wider Betabound community. For more information regarding the Ambassador program, check out our Ambassador page.

4. Add an Avatar

You’ll want people to be able to put a face to your name while you’re in a Betabound test. Add an avatar to your profile now, so you don’t have to remember to do it in the exciting initial days of a test. To add an avatar to your profile, click “Choose an Avatar” in the top right of your dashboard and start getting creative!

5. Check out the Betabound Blog

Every tester can benefit from a few helpful tips to increase their beta testing skills. Our team gives advice on upping your tester skills, shares community survey results, and highlights All-Star testers. If you have a question or want to learn more about something related to testing, odds are we’ve written about it.

6. Follow Us on Social Media

Want to get more involved in the Betabound community? Follow us on Twitter!  Through our social media channel, we share testing opportunities, update you about current news within our tester community, and give away Betabound swag!

7. Look for Tests on the Betabound Homepage

There are two ways testers get recruited for a test. Option one is through emails that we send you based on the information you provide in your Betabound profile. Option two is by applying to specific tests that we post on the Betabound homepage. On our homepage, click “Personalize” to select only the types of tests you’re interested in seeing on your homepage. That way each time you visit you’ll only see the tests you’re most interested in. If you want to see the tests that our team is currently publicly recruiting for, visit the Betabound Exclusives feed.


Take some time to perform these seven steps and you’ll be a Betabound all-star in no time!

Read the 10 most common questions asked by testers!

15 Responses to “7 Things To Do After Signing Up For Betabound”

  1. Master AP

    Good to see the TO DO list in one place. Normally everyone will do this TO DO list once they sign up. But placing in one place is a good point. Thanks Emily Hossellman for the TO DO list.

  2. Humdy Abdelkader

    Dear Ms. Hossellman,
    I cannot find Community Surveys” on the left side of my screen.


    • Betabound

      Hi Hamdy,

      Thanks for commenting! Right now, there aren’t any active Community Surveys. Please stay tuned and keep checking your account.

      – The Betabound Team

  3. Anna Kimm-Wilson

    This has been a great help to me. I’m just getting started with my first test and have been having a little trouble navigating around. The fact that my computer was down the first 2 days of the testing didn’t help but I made notes those two days and then when my net came back up I had them handy.

  4. Abdelmadjid Beloufa

    make your products known to the Algerian consumer in the first place and in the other country

  5. Tabby

    Thank you for the opportunity to be a tester. I’m very excited I feel like I have real work to do. I miss having a job other than mom.


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