What Happens After You Finish a Test?

Have you ever come to the end of a Betabound test and wondered what happens next? Maybe you’re curious about what will happen to all the feedback you provided. This post will answer those end-of-test questions, as well as offer next steps once your participation in a test comes to an end.

Understanding Your Contribution

As a tester in a Betabound Exclusive test, your feedback will be processed by one of our test managers. All your product insights are valuable to our team, which is why they will take the time to filter and clarify your feedback throughout the course of the project. At the close of a test, our managers will finish fine-tuning submitted feedback, look for tester feedback trends, and submit final reports to the product’s development team to let them know how everything went.

Tying Up Loose Ends

At the close of a private Betabound Exclusive test, our managers will also focus on getting everything wrapped up. As a tester, you may receive a phone call or email reminding you to return your test unit (if it’s hardware), clarify feedback you submitted during the test, or complete an end-of-test survey. 

Even though the test you participated in is closed, it’s still important to regularly check your email and phone in case our team needs to get in touch with you. As our test managers put it, the best testers are responsive before, during, and after a test to ensure their personal testing experience is brought full circle.

Sharing Your Experience

Now that you’ve completed a test, you’re probably excited to talk about your testing experience. However, most Betabound tests require testers to sign an NDA, so you must avoid unintentionally violating this agreement — even after a test has ended. In most cases, you’re welcome to brag to buddies that you participated in “a test” — just avoid giving any product specifics. 

We also encourage our testers to share their testing experience on their resume. This is a great way to boast about your experience to a potential employer, as well as network with other like-minded testers on platforms like LinkedIn. Again, just be mindful not to violate the NDA you signed!

Applying to Your Next Test

If you enjoyed your Betabound testing experience, then we encourage you to keep applying! The best way to get on another test is to update your testing interests, test platforms, and regularly check the Betabound homepage and your email inbox for available testing opportunities. That way, our team has the most up-to-date information about the sorts of tests you’re interested in or might qualify for, and we can alert you about those opportunities.

If you ever have any questions at the close of a test, or would like to give feedback regarding your experience with our team, we encourage you to reach out to your test manager or email us at hello@betabound.com (with the name of your project in the subject line). In the meantime, continue checking the Betabound Blog for great tester resources, and keep applying to tests you’re interested in. We can’t wait to test with you again soon!

Check our homepage for current testing opportunties!

Look familiar? This post is a part of a series in which we’re breathing new life into some of our older entries.

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