Boost Your Chances of Getting Selected

We’ve all been there: you’re really excited to test a promising new software program or gadget, only to find out that you weren’t chosen because (surprise!) a bunch of other people signed up for the same private test. It can be disappointing and frustrating to not be picked, especially because often you don’t know why you weren’t picked.

Let’s discuss the best tips to help you stand out and get selected for more private exclusive testing opportunities, both with Betabound and other sources.

Be Thorough

Most private tests begin with a qualification survey. Filling out forms can be pretty tedious, and it’s tempting to skip over the stuff that isn’t required when signing up. However, those questions are there for a reason. The teams who create these signup pages are looking for specific qualities and skills. The amount of people applying for a private test usually outnumbers the number of available slots, so skipping even one of those questions could mean the difference between getting into this test and sitting on the sidelines.

Also, keep in mind that our test managers are looking for people who are going to be diligent and thorough when testing the product. The best place to show that you have these attributes is during the application process.

Keep It Fresh

Many applications will ask about your interest in the product being tested and product testing in general. When you’re answering these questions, make sure your answers are relevant to the product or company. If you’re applying to test a software product, talk about your interest in that software and contributing to its success. 

Test managers are not only looking for testers that fit the test requirements but also those with a genuine interest in the product. If you make sure your answers clearly and concisely cover those areas, you’ll be sure to stand out from the group. If all of your answers feel the same, our test managers will know right away and this will hurt your chances of getting picked.

Answer Honestly

We’re frequently asked by testers whether they should embellish the truth when filling out an application so that they can have a better chance of being chosen for a test. The answer is simple: no. 

It’s in your best interest to answer each question as honestly as possible. After all, if you say that you have tons of experience with coding when you’re unfamiliar with programming languages, you’re going to have trouble performing the tasks that are expected of you during the test. If you can’t perform the expected tasks, it will reflect negatively on you, which decreases your chances of being picked for future tests. Honesty is always the best policy.

In addition, a test might be looking for people who aren’t familiar with that type of product! These behind the scenes requirements are always unknown, so it’s in your best interest to answer honestly. 

Update Your Information Regularly

If you’re a Betabounder and have a profile with us, it’s important that you update your information regularly, including what test platforms you have, what languages you speak, what products you’re interested in testing, etc. 

We use this information to send out invites to exclusive testing opportunities, so by providing the most up to date information, you make sure that you’ll be eligible for any new and exciting opportunities that open up.

Apply Often

Gamblers and investors both like to hedge their bets, and as a tester, you should too. You might not get chosen for that one cool test, but if you sign up for five really cool tests, there’s a better chance you’ll get into at least one of them.

Just make sure you only accept the testing opportunity if you have the time to commit to the test. You don’t want to over-commit yourself and have to drop out halfway through because you don’t have time to give quality feedback.

Don’t Get Frustrated

Private tests can get ten times as many applicants as they have available spots, so you may have to wait a while before you get into your first private exclusive test. It’s important not to get frustrated and give up while you’re waiting for your chance to show the company what a great tester you are. The company will notice your dedication as you apply for their tests and eventually your chance to participate will come.

Cast a Wide Net

Don’t just apply for the big-name tests. The Betabound homepage has a feed of open testing opportunities run by a variety of companies that you can customize based on your interests. Many of these are public opportunities that don’t require an application to join, so you can start testing and giving feedback right away.

If you’re trying to get your foot in the door with a company’s testing program, consider applying for a test that might be less competitive, like a mobile app or a software test. This will give you the chance to show how great of a tester you are, which will help you get into the company’s more competitive tests in the future.

With these tips, you should be on your way to being chosen for more and more product tests. 

101 Responses to “Boost Your Chances of Getting Selected”

  1. Sunstreaker

    It gets really frustrating because I used to be selected, but I don’t anymore. I’ll keep trying, but, sadly, I’m not holding my breath.

      • Sunstreaker

        I wanna say since around 2005. I was first picked to test a mouse, then nothing for a while. Then I was picked to beta a really neat online game. I really wanted to beta the router they had a few months back. I love mine, but I adore new electronics. I just can’t afford to go out and buy new ones when I’d like to. I also tested a couple of apps.

        • Disqus_deez

          I’ve applied for a few pieces of hardware to beta test but no luck so far. Don’t really care for software unless it’s pc based. The games I don’t really care for.

        • Bernice Jenkins

          What does being able to afford new electronics have to do with beta testing? You are assuming you would get to keep the router they tested. That is not always the case so you would have had to send it back and use your own router again. I would not choose people who test only for free products either. So I can see why you are now skipped alot.

  2. Aaron Miller

    As I am new and haven’t been selected for a test I have applied for one and look forward to BREAKING THE ICE and getting started testing I believe BETA testing is key to making world class products and hope that i am selected!

    • Krankerdelic

      Keep it up, I signed up 2 years ago and I only got a chance this year. I keep trying too, don’t give up and good luck

  3. Edward Jackson

    Thank you for the heads up on getting in on more testing. I have been a member for a while now and enjoy testing products from your clients.

  4. David Fecketter

    Gotta be patient, and keep all your equipment and profile info updated. I get one every few months , and apply for every opportunity. Give them the best info and they will find you when they have a match. Happy Testing. Each opportunity has a tell us why you would be a good tester. Use this opportunity to show them what you can do for them and why the item is a good fit for you. You never know what opportunities they can bring. I beta tested a web site, and it led to a trip to Utah and a commercial gig. You never know.

  5. Joshuah

    I have been participating for a few years now and have only had the opportunity to test 2 products. I apply all the time and I am thorough, I constantly update my profile. This “Boost your chances” is some malarkey. Dont get your hopes up if your new!!

    • Bernice Jenkins

      I can see why you are never chosen. I would not choose you either with that shit*y attitude, and especially for discouraging new beta testers. But I am glad you posted because you are demonstrating exactly what new testers should not do.

      • Joshuah

        It’s not a shitty attitude my friend, its that when I started I was super optimimistic. Do you really think I leave these comments in my applications lol. I just done want new people getting as hopeful as I did just to be let down. Way to pick out one “negative” comment in this whole forum. Good on you sir.

  6. Kevin

    I got selected for two and I was really new. You promise the company’s that you won’t talk about it so it’s hard to share quality advice, for the latest opportunity I applied for, I was honest to the point where it even might be embarrassing if you have a genuine interest in the product, they can tell.

    • Bernice Jenkins

      How does the NDA make it so you cannot share quality advice? Not being able to discuss the products with others has nothing to do with providing quality feedback during a test. I’m confused by your statement.

    • Jennifer Tyree

      You can discuss it in the forums and in the private journals. The forums for that beta is the BEST place to discuss EVERYTHING about the beta you are in. The NDA is so you don’t share with friends/family/social media, etc.

  7. Jennifer Tyree

    I second the motion to keep your profile current. Anytime I apply for a test, I check to make sure that my dashboard is current. Sometimes you don’t remember when you last updated it.

    I don’t remember when I signed up (maybe a 2 years ago? Maybe 3? Back when they were still Online Beta lol). I’ve done quite a few. Things I do like, things I’m not fond of, things I’m excited for and got to keep! I’ll only test items that are relevant to my life or are items that I’d actually use. I make sure that I say something to that effect in my apps.

    Sometimes, they want a wide range of people, including new users for their products. So I’ll be honest like, “look, I’m not who you’re probably hoping for but I’d love to try out your product and give my feedback as a new user”. I’ve gotten in a REALLY good test recently that I’m super excited about. Its for something I’ve never used, but REALLY want to! Thankfully, they were looking for people like me as well as seasoned users.

  8. Joseph Goodboo

    I joined a few months ago and still waiting for the opportunity to test products. I personally like the updates of the new technology alone. It’s cool to see what coming out next.

  9. J Bates

    It took me awhile before I was selected for a beta test, but I have enjoyed being able to test new products.

  10. TheDoc

    Always looking forward to some awesome new products to test out. Also been here for a while now and love every single bit of it. See you guys around.

  11. Brian Russell

    Many people believe that beta testers participate just for
    the incentives (e.g. free product). While this is true of some, it’s not the
    case for myself. I am a creative applicants who would answer inventively and go
    beyond to clearly represent the testing community and product on-hand. I am a person that will respect any NDA’s (confidentiality agreements) put in place.

  12. Dustin Hartung

    Always be thorough and honest. Have a discerning eye and be critical during the test. This feedback helps the people initaiting the beta test and makes products better for the public.

  13. Eric Hanson

    I am also new (joined about a month ago) and I’m not trying to expect that I would be selected pretty much every chance I get, although that would be cool and also unfair to others that would want to beta test.

  14. Nicholas Anfeldt

    The key to being selected is to have one chance and be honest, give feedback on specific features. I’ve done many product reviews on other sites and if others find it helpful you get more likely to test them. I’ve done a few video reviews to online.

    • Landon

      Same! I have an older car that doesn’t have many technological and safety features, so getting to beta test this would be absolutely amazing!

  15. jdsharc

    Have yet to be selected for a test and have been a member for several years. Really quite frustrating as I’m sure I’d be a good fit for many of the ones I’ve applied. C’mon folks – give us a chance!

  16. catfood

    Test with a user’s perspective (your own) and also a technical and neutral, non-consumer view. When reviewing play devil’s advocate and provide feedback from both sides.

  17. Iris Cohen Fels

    Hope to get picked for a product to test. But in the meantime I love learning about new products and enjoy reading the feedback.

  18. Robert A Reed

    I’ve participated in a couple of Beta tests and really enjoyed working with others to test, resolve issues,and provide feedback. Especially when it comes to wireless devices and or media streaming. I work on board a ship at sea a lot and we are always seeking better technology for networking through the steel decks and walls that limit the range. I’d love to check out the new dual band router opportunity

  19. John

    Hey everyone just signed up and IM stoked about the potential opportunities that lay ahead. very interested In networking with other testers for sounding boards or just checking in w each other and chatting about whats new. so drop me a line 🙂

  20. Richard

    Is there a way to change something on a survey if you might have a change in equipment, like adding new equipment that you did not have at the time you filled out the survey. Do they also look at what you have updated in profile?

    • Betabound

      Hi Richard,

      To answer your questions, we do check the test platforms you have on your tester account when considering testers for a particular project. Just to be extra certain, can you email us at with the test name you applied to in order to ensure your platforms match on both your survey and account? Thanks so much.

      – Betabound Team

  21. WithTheMostCake

    The tips are really help! It’s important to be thorough and clarify. Therefore, the client and other testers are clear on what you are conveying about the product. It’s important to be honest and only state the facts it’s also important to interact with other testers and just have fun! Am I close?

    • Rhonda N Andrew Streib

      I agree it’s important to talk to each other, why I love blogging, and social media. The only way to be true to testing, is honestly, detailed feedback, sharing with others. I always want to know how other testers outcome was, when testing the same product. Maybe I looked over a detail, or we both came to some really postive strengths. Detail, honesty, and teamwork, is my formula of what I would want from a Betabound tester.
      Do we have a place where others testing on the same product to share between each other our thoughts?

      • Betabound

        Hey Rhonda! When you get accepted into one of our client projects (the beta tests we email you about) you’ll be able to chat freely with other testers that are beta testing the same product as you. Unfortunately, since these tests are NDA protected we can’t make them publicly accessible. Hope that helps answer your question! We’re loving your comments on our blog posts. 😀

        • Rhonda N Andrew Streib

          Thank you Betabound! Great to hear we can talk to each other who are testing the same product. Sorry for my mistake of not being more specific in my response of sharing . Keeping the betas confidential was one of the beginning reads.With my past govenment history, I know how important keeping things confidential.

  22. Leon Perrier

    How quickly do you email people that I or someone else has added to others you know who are interested in beta testing?

    • Betabound

      Hi Leon,

      Are you asking how quickly we send out ‘refer a tester’ emails? Or emails regarding open beta tests? Sorry, just want to make sure we understand your question. 🙂

      Betabound Team

      • Leon Perrier

        Yes, refer a tester. I entered a family friend yesterday and as of late this am he has not received the invite. Visiting Fl and he said he’d be interested as he’s done beta tests years back.

        • Betabound

          Hi Leon,

          We’d recommend reading our ‘Refer a Friend’ blog post ( There are two ways to refer your friends: email invitation and access link. If you sent an email, be sure you clicked the “Invite Now” button and to inform your friend to be on the lookout for it (these emails sometimes end up in users’ spam folders). You can always send your friend a referral directly via email, text, social media etc. using your unique access link. Please let us know if you have any questions.

          – Betabound Team

  23. Rhonda N Andrew Streib

    Glad I checked out the tips. I always wanted to try more these type of products then the stigmatism that women only want to try women products.

      • Rhonda N Andrew Streib

        Hi Betabound,
        I loved reading the articles on each woman, and how they play such a huge part in your program. Loved the details, and refreshing to read the manager wore so many hats, but knows how to balance her job. It was a great feeling to know women play such a huge role in the beta testing program. I really appreciate you sending me in the right direction!
        Thank you!

        Rhonda Streib

        • Betabound

          Hey Rhonada, Our pleasure! We just sent you an email response back btw. Have a great rest of your day, and welcome to Betabound!:)

          • Rhonda N Andrew Streib

            Thank you for the warm welcome! Really enjoyed the Betabound women information, and great welcome from them!

          • Rhonda N Andrew Streib

            I am not sure why my previous message did not post, but wanted to thank you for the warm welcomes! Really was great the Betabound women team reached out to me. I really admire how much detail the Betabound women put into their writing. I enjoyed how the manager was able to balanced work, and management.

  24. Staleanna Murray

    Hello to all! Thanks so much for the tips…. I am super excited about the invite I received today. . Thanks betabound for the opportunities to even have a chance at being selected.

  25. The Sigillite

    Great Tips for anyone looking to be a beta tester. I’ve found them very helpful and look forward to applying more of them when the opportunity arises.

  26. The Sigillite

    I’m glad several of these options allow for the whole family to get involved.

  27. WithTheMostCake

    Who here, is experience the iAwake beta test? I find the sounds for relaxing and shootings, in the FOCUS category. I can not wait to try CREATE, next.
    Thank you.

  28. shoesan

    Thanks for the tips. I’m very competitive so I won’t take them lightly ‍♀️

  29. Michelle Kinkead

    Awesome, thanks for the tips. Looking forward to some awesome testing opportunities.

  30. Dave Gregory

    Have more time should be able to respond more quickly and thoroughly after reading the posts here, Thanks

  31. Michelle Carlos

    I love seeing that there are opportunities that as women we can participate and share our opinions as well. I’m very happy that I read your tips. I look forward to working with Betabound in the future

  32. Kelly YourOtherRightHand

    Thank you for sharing the tips. Most seem like common sense, but now a days, seems most people are lacking just that! I look forward to working with Betabound again soon!

  33. Linda Underwood

    Great pointer, for us newbies!! Great advice,t hank you. Can’t wait to work with #Betabound.

  34. WithTheMostCake

    The Beta I’m currently working on , it isn’t work. Yes, I’ve contacted the developer. It, it’s sad. I hope it works for everyone else. The app that is. I was so excited. Anyone else have a similar problem?

  35. Marcia Heacock

    Thank you betabound for the tips, I eagerly applied to be a beta tester. I don’t know where the desire came from, but woman, or no woman, I simply love technology!! It sometimes ungulfs me, so being a beta tester just seems natural!!

  36. Linda Underwood

    Good advice/tips to become a beta tester with #Betabound. So excited and can’t wait to test/review my first product. #Betabound rocks!!@

  37. Elizabeth Gonzalez

    Thanks for all the information. I will definitely be following up on everything!

  38. Sheryl

    Thank you Betabound! I have to agree with the others here in thanking you for the great tips you’ve given us. I love working here, because the staff has always been very helpful and I’ve always enjoyed working along with the other testers too! It’s always fun to hear other’s thoughts and comments. It’s very refreshing to see more women testers now too and to see how they balance their work and home life with their testing methods too. It always fascinates me to see the wide diversity of people too and how they come from all walks of life. What a fun place to be a part of! Thanks again Betabound for all that you do, keeping things running smoothly too and for making this journey a fun one!

  39. Melissa N Leek

    I’m thrilled to be here, and excited to share with this community!

  40. shannon

    These tips were very helpful. Looking forward to working with Betabound

  41. Melanie Schmitz

    Thanks for the tips!
    They’re very helpful & I hope to be selected for the printer.

  42. b3by

    Thanks so much for the helpful tips Betabound, would love to be selected for beta testing!

  43. JustMissAsh

    Excellent guide. I’m glad I have my own guide like this I use as well as specific topic area I use when trying out and reviewing products


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