Hardware vs. Software Beta Tests

Betabound is a mix of hardware and software (including computer software and mobile apps) beta testing opportunities – so there’s something of interest for every tester! In this blog post, we explain the differences between these two types of tests, as well as highlight how you can maximize your chances of getting selected for them.


Hardware is any physical, tech product. Examples of hardware tech products include smart TVs, streaming devices, printers, headphones, smart lights, wearables, etc. They’re something you can touch with your hands! Our hardware beta tests are our most competitive for two reasons: 1) we accept fewer testers because our clients have fewer beta units to go around 2) because of their exclusivity, testers tend to flock to these specific products.

There are two places you can hear about our available hardware beta tests: our homepage and your email inbox. Every day, we announce new beta tests on our homepage from both our clients and other great companies seeking enthusiastic testers. Hardware beta products are tagged accordingly, so you can always check in to see what’s new! When there’s an exclusive client beta test that we think you might be a good fit for (based on your Test Platforms and Testing Interests), we’ll email you! In these emails, we always explain what the product is, so that’s another great place to look for these hardware beta testing opportunities.

If you’re selected for one of our clients’ hardware beta tests, then you’ll be expected to test that hardware product within your home’s natural environment. For example, if you’re selected to test a smart oven, then you’ll be expected to plug that device into your kitchen and regularly cook with it. Our clients seek Betabounders because of their thoughtful feedback and willingness to adopt new tech products into their daily lives. Ultimately, these tech products are fun insights into what the future of tech might look like — and you get to be a part of it!


At a technical level, software refers to the programs used by a computer. With regard to Betabound, we host beta tests for both computer and mobile app software products. Examples of these software tech products include mobile games, photo editing software, productivity apps, music DJing software, apps that connect to smart home hardware products, etc. Unlike hardware products that are dependent on the number of available test units, software products are (essentially) limitless – you just have to download them! Because of this, all of our public Betabound Exclusives are software-based products, and software beta tests are the most abundant testing opportunities we offer.

Like our hardware tests, there are two places you can hear about our available software beta tests: our homepage and your email inbox. In particular, be sure to check out our available iOS and Android beta tests on the Betabound homepage. Most testers own a smartphone, so these beta tests are a great way to try your hand at beta testing in a non-pressure environment (i.e. playing a cool new Android game!). Since most of these mobile opportunities are unaffiliated, you can join many of them same-day and start testing right away.

With software beta tests, you’ll be expected to download the program or mobile app on your computer or smartphone. These downloads are free, and a great way to interact with a program’s product developer directly. Our team vets every testing opportunity you come across, so there’s no concern for spam or malware ending up on one of your devices. However, we invite you to email us directly at hello@betabound.com if you ever have any questions or concerns about a beta test you stumble upon.

If you have any questions about the differences between hardware and software beta tests, please comment below. We’re here to help!

Learn more about the different types of tests on Betabound!

One Response to “Hardware vs. Software Beta Tests”

  1. ago2180

    Very Very Good, I would say, is just the perfect way to describe what BetaBound is!!!



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