How We Helped Slice Release Their First Mobile App

WARNING: Some of you may have been involved in the Slice beta test. We must insist that you keep your identity and involvement with this product secret (that means no talking about it in the comments below). Honor thy NDA, please.

Beta testing is a highly secretive aspect of product development. Most of the time, the only way you can tell that a company ran a successful beta test is if they end up with a successful product. So when we get the chance (and permission from our clients), we like to share their beta test success stories with you.

When mobile app startup company, Slice, began building their first social photo sharing app, they hadn’t originally planned on implementing a traditional beta testing process. Instead, they enlisted the help of their friends and family to play around with the app. They figured that this would give their product enough real-world exposure to accurately gauge how it’ll hold up when released. However, they found that their friends and family weren’t quite giving them the amount of quality feedback that they knew their product needed. “Before our Centercode beta, the toughest thing was not just getting people on the app, but getting people to give feedback,” says Co-founder Sam Zeif.

The Slice team decided to team up with Centercode to run their product through a beta test. Our team rounded up over 200 testers and ran a two-week test for the Slice mobile app. Within days, the Slice team began getting the genuine, quality feedback that their product needed. “In the first two or three days we learned a really crucial thing that changed the product dramatically. We discovered that a fundamental feature just wasn’t working,” says Zeif.

During the beta test, the Slice team was also able to measure how well their users actually understood the app and how their users’ friends reacted to the app. This led to testers showing interest in the additional planned features that the Slice team had in store, and uncovered 37 bugs that their development team hadn’t run across yet.

Because of their beta test (and all of the objective, honest feedback they received from our awesome testers), the Slice team was was able to focus their development efforts on the most pressing changes that testers showed interest in. This dramatically helped the product’s development and got it ready to hit the streets.

Since its release, the Slice mobile app has been getting great reviews from its users. We hope you guys enjoyed this sneak peek into how Slice used your feedback to improve their product. Keep an eye out for more success stories like this one in future blog posts.

Check out our mobile beta testing opportunities!

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