Hi from Betabound’s Community Manager

Jenny avatar

Hi Betabounders,

My name is Jenny, and I’m Betabound’s Community Manager. Over the past couple of months, you may have read some of the blog posts I’ve written, or chatted with me through email and social media. With this in mind, I thought I’d take the time to formally introduce myself to you all!

I started out at Centercode on the company’s marketing team. From there, I fell in love with our tester community, Betabound. Brad (now the Director of Betabound) would share stories with me about the creativity behind recruiting you all to beta tests, interesting tech trends uncovered through the surveys you fill out, or how rewarding it was when one of you reached out to share your positive experience beta testing with us. Our eclectic group of tech-loving international testers sounded like a great, collaborative community that I was eager to be a part of. So when the opportunity to become Betabound’s Community Manager came up, I was excited to accept!

Now, as Betabound’s Community Manager, I’m happy to share we have some exciting changes in store. In the coming months, we’ll be implementing new strategies for growing and engaging with the Betabound community — along with a few other tricks up our sleeve. As a tester and valued member of our community, I want to invite you to email me directly or tweet at me with any comments or ideas you have for the Betabound community.

For example, are there any topics you’d like us to talk about on the blog, or a certain type of product you’re dying to get your hands on? That feedback can be invaluable for our conversations with Centercode’s customers, developers that announce their testing opportunities on our site, and the Betabound team’s vision of our community — so we definitely want to hear your voice.

My goal is to improve our community, and part of that is making myself available to you. As I mentioned earlier, feel free to email or tweet at me about Betabound, tech, or Game of Thrones fan theories — I’m here for you guys. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts, and working together to build an even better Betabound!


Jenny signature

7 Responses to “Hi from Betabound’s Community Manager”

  1. Pat Ferguson

    welcome aboard! I think the beta testing is the fun part! hope you enjoy your new department. More toys to play with :). anything interesting to test coming soon?

  2. madison_saunders

    Thank you this is great! 🙂 Looking forward to getting started with Betabound!


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