How to Apply to a Betabound Beta Test: Part Two

Last week, we offered our best practices for filling out the multiple choice section of a qualification survey that accompanies our private Betabound Exclusives. This week, we continue our walkthrough of the application process by showing how to approach the written portion.

If you’re not used to writing on a regular basis, filling out the written part of a qualification survey can feel pretty daunting. It can be hard to know what type of answer a beta manager is looking for when you don’t know exactly what the product being tested is. In an effort to help you answer a qualification survey’s written section, we decided to explain the major do’s and don’ts of written responses by comparing a well-crafted response with a poorly written one.

Written Response Length

Every qualification survey only has one (maybe two) written response questions, so it’s worth taking the time to craft a thoughtful response.

Survey Application Questions

There is no strict rule for how long your answer should be. That said, we do recommend keeping your answers between three to five sentences. Submitting a one sentence response is way too short and won’t provide you enough time to adequately answer the question. Writing too much can also work to your disadvantage if it means a less focused response that includes information that isn’t relevant to the question.

The Keys to a Well-Written Response

The first thing to remember when responding to a written question is that it is crucial for your answer to be substantive and well-written. Submitting an answer that is written in complete sentences and with proper grammar is very important to beta managers because it shows them you’re detail-oriented (a key trait for good beta testers). You’ll also want to answer the question in its entirety and purposely convey your interest to be a part of this specific test, not just beta testing in general.

To help you see these suggestions in action, here are two sample (not real!) tester responses for a fictional noise-cancelling headphones Betabound test opportunity. The question these sample testers are responding to is: “Tell us why you’re a good fit to beta test this type of product?” In this example, the test’s requirements include owning a smartphone and regularly listening to audio content (preferably music).


Finally, you should always strive to answer each question as honestly as possible. It can be tempting to tell a beta manager what you think they want to hear. In general, an experienced beta manager, who has spent hours reading thousands of qualification surveys throughout their career, can tell when they are being lied to. The beta testers who stick to being as truthful as possible will always come out ahead.

After you fill out the written question in your survey, you are ready to submit your application.

Thanks for Application

That’s it! You have just completed an application for a Centercode managed beta test. We would like to be the first to congratulate you and thank you for applying. Our team will reach out to you if you’ve been selected. Otherwise, keep applying to open testing opportunities on our homepage and regularly check your email for targeted test announcements.

Here at Betabound, we work hard to offer you a wide variety of new beta opportunities every week. We are proud to call you a fellow Betabounder and hope that you continue to apply to our Betabound Exclusives. If you are interested in learning more about how to improve your odds of becoming a great beta tester, keep following our blog.

Missed part one? Read it now!

One Response to “How to Apply to a Betabound Beta Test: Part Two”

  1. purplemaize

    My doctors office is interested in Beta testing new equipment and software, so I recommended Betabound. I gave him the link over the weekend. This also includes the hospital he works at, so there will be plenty of interested beta testers. Thanks Betabound.


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