Interview with a Betabound All-Star: Alan McDougall

As our Betabound community grows (we currently have almost 100,000 members!), so does the diversity of our members. With each beta test we run, it’s imperative that we gather just the right group of testers to accurately represent the product’s target market. That being said, we come across every personality type imaginable — which is a great thing! This also adds a more interesting flavor to your experience, as a beta tester. Collaboration, communication, and overall community is what makes Betabound so great for its members. So, once again, we’d like to introduce a member of our fine Betabound community, Alan McDougall.

Alan is a Director of Educational Technology in Branford, CT. With over 10 years of beta testing experience under his belt, Alan has been involved in his fair share of tests and has frequently been rated as one of our top Betabound testers. Let’s hear what Alan has to share with the Betabound community.

What got you into beta testing?
I absolutely love testing new hardware and software. In fact, I do it at work every day.

What’s been your favorite part about being a beta tester?
Hands down, all the free stuff I’ve gotten over the years. The incentives are usually really cool. Other than that, participating in tests with other engaged beta testers is always a pleasure.

What makes being a beta tester for Betabound unique?
You get to work with some of the same Betabound testers across multiple tests. Not to mention that the Betabound staff is great.

What motivates you to keep devoting your time to beta testing?
I really enjoy early access to products, as well as the opportunity to influence that product’s development. It’s really great to help companies deliver higher quality products to consumers.

Any advice you would give to newer beta testers?
There are no stupid questions. If it’s not working for you, ask questions! That’s exactly what they are looking for. This is the one time in your life where breaking something isn’t bad. In fact, it can actually be a good thing.

Time and time again, we emphasize how important it is for the testers within our Betabound community to interact with one another. When testers get to talking, and share thoughts, ideas, concerns, or simply converse casually, that’s when our community really shines. That type of interaction is how products get the real-world testing that they need in order to be successful when they hit the market.

Are there any questions, points, or topics that you’d like to see our top-rated testers give their opinions on? Leave a comment below and let us know!

Haven’t joined the Betabound community yet? Sign up now!

3 Responses to “Interview with a Betabound All-Star: Alan McDougall”

  1. Koy Enriquez

    I’m really excited to start beta testing products via betabound!. In the past I have gotten a few invites from certain vendors to participate in beta testing services in my market. recently a coworker of mine told me about this site and encouraged me to register.

    I have a small question for you beta testers.

    I’ve only done a few beta tests (not from betabound) in the past and can remember putting a lot of effort and time into my logs and questionnaires and I always got an automated response of “thanks for participating” email and reward at the end of testing but I often wished that the group conducting the beta tests would give me follow up emails after the testing was over letting know if and how my input was used or to what degree it was helpful in accomplishing what they were looking for. You know? it’s like you put a good amount of time and effort and you just like to know that you helped. Do venders ever give you any such feedback post testing or invites to test out the end result of a product?

    Also do any or all beta tests from betabound require you to sigh a N.D.A ?

    Thanks in advance


    • Betabound

      Hi Koy and welcome! I absolutely understand your frustration. In our tests we encourage our clients to be active with our testers and tell you how your feedback is being used. And often times our clients will invite their best testers to future tests on their products. I can promise you’ll get a lot more than an automated “thanks” response!

      We do require our testers to sign an NDA at the beginning of each project they’re selected for. So you won’t be able to discuss the beta product on social media or online.

      I hope this helps and welcome to the community!

      • Koy Enriquez

        Great! Thanks for the information. Can’t wait to start my first BetaBound test.



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