Interview with a Betabound All-Star: Fernando Chen

Being a good beta tester is all about communication and commitment. First, you have to be able to effectively communicate your thoughts and experiences with the product. Second, you have to consistently give your feedback throughout the entire test. Many testers within our Betabound community have successfully demonstrated that they possess these two traits and we wanted to take the chance to introduce you to one.

Fernando Chen is an Optometrist from Fresno, CA who’s also a franchise owner of a Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt. He’s been beta testing for over a decade and has proven to us that he has what it takes to be considered a Betabound All-Star. Let’s talk to Fernando.

What got you into beta testing?
I’ve always been a fan of technology. After I graduated from college, I started purchasing my own gadgets but usually ended up getting bored with them after a few months. I read about Centercode on a forum, and applied. I was fortunate enough to be selected after just a few applications. Beta testing has given me the opportunity to use new products, test them, and return them without having to spend any money.

What’s been your favorite part about being a beta tester?
The best part is the opportunity to play with a new device or software before the public has a chance to see (or touch) it.

What makes being a beta tester for Betabound unique?
The whole community, and the team that work behind the scenes. Everyone is friendly and supportive, and we all understand it’s a privilege to be part of Betabound. The team in charge is very responsive and thankful to the beta testers, too. I’m always excited to be accepted into a beta test as it’s always a different journey each time.

What motivates you to keep devoting your time to beta testing?
The love for technology and having the latest and greatest gadgets in my hand keeps me enthusiastic every time I see an opportunity to apply.

Any advice you would give to newer beta testers?
Be honest and truthful with your feedback. Companies put a lot of effort into beta testing and we have to provide them with constructive and useful information. Remember, we are the end users who will benefit from these tests.

What do you like to do for fun?
I used to enjoy cycling and photography when I had free time. Now, I have two businesses and a three-year-old son who keeps me entertained and very busy. On my rare weekends off, I enjoy visiting friends and family in Southern California.

As our Betabound community continues to grow by the day, we’re always thrilled to hear from our members about their experiences in our tests. Not only does their advice help others to understand what makes a great beta tester, but their thoughts and insight also help us (behind the scenes) to continue improving the Betabound experience.

Check out our interviews with other Betabound All-Stars!

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