Interview with a Betabound All-Star: Jeinutheen Mohamed

We usually post advice for beta testers from our team of professional beta managers. This week, however, we wanted to do something different and give readers some advice from a fellow tester’s perspective. So, we spoke with one of our top beta testers, Jeinutheen Mohamed. We wanted to get his perspective on just what it takes to be a Betabound tester, and while we can’t discuss too many specifics with him (thou must honor thy NDA restrictions, of course), we were able to pick his brain about what beta testing means to him.

JeinProfileJeinutheen is a software analyst from Atlanta, GA. He has over seven years of experience in the beta testing game, and he possesses — what we believe to be — fantastic beta tester qualities.

We asked one of our senior beta managers, Doug Sorenson, what makes Jeinutheen a great tester and this what he had to say: “Jeinutheen has always been active on my projects and has a very positive attitude no matter what product he is testing. He also seems to test for the love of it, not because he wants to earn an incentive. If there is anything he is unsure of, he’ll contact me and ask a question, instead of just letting the product sit there.”

So we thought Jeinutheen would a great person to give readers an inside look at what the Betabound testing experience is like.

What got you into beta testing?
I really like trying new technology before it is released to the general public, and then giving as much valuable feedback as I possibly can. I really enjoy using my expertise in helping new technology get tested properly and thoroughly.

What’s been your favorite part about being a beta tester?
Trying several new devices before they make it to the general market is always fun.

What makes being a beta tester for Betabound unique?
As Betabound members, we get to test different types of devices and apps from several very reputable brands and companies.

What motivates you to keep devoting your time to beta testing?
The appreciation I receive for my efforts [from the beta managers]. My input is always taken in a very positive way. The issues I report seem to get fixed very quickly and then I get to test the fixes, too. Not to mention, the incentives are often pretty impressive.

Any advice you would give to newer beta testers?
Try your best to use every single feature of the device/app you test. Dedicate your time to getting the product tested properly and thoroughly, and don’t always look for incentives. Understand that you’re viewed as a very valuable person in the process and development of getting the product evaluated properly, before making it to the general public.

The enthusiasm and attention to detail that Jeinutheen brings to every beta test he’s involved in truly helps the development of the products that he tests. This is the reason that he has become one of our most trusted and reliable testers. His participation has been a valued asset to many of our beta tests, and hopefully his perspective has given you an idea about what the whole beta testing game is all about. Keep an eye out for Jeinutheen in any of the tests you participate in and be sure say hello if you see him.

Are there any questions or topics you would like to see discussed with our top testers? Let us know in the comments below!

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6 Responses to “Interview with a Betabound All-Star: Jeinutheen Mohamed”

  1. Lucus Bendzsa

    How about an article about what to say in the “why should you be selected as a tester for this product”. It is very important you say exactly what the invitation says and this could be expanded into another wonderful article in the betabound blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Lucus Bendzsa

        Thanks! Glad you liked my idea! I feel that in all the betas I have been selected for, no matter how many devices and specs I mentioned to test with, a good essay on why I would be the tester is what has gotten me to be selected on so many Center Code betas.

        • Betabound

          You’re right, our beta managers take those responses very seriously. I think a blog post would be a great way to explain why those responses are so important to us and what we’re looking for in each application. Thanks again for the idea! If you think of anything else you’d like to see on the blog let us know.

          • Lucus Bendzsa

            Sure thing hope to see you in a future beta test


  2. Sebastian Gorgon

    Great article, an interesting insight into a fellow Betabound beta tester, I have quite a lot in common with him if this interview is anything to go by 🙂


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