How Many Tests Should I Apply For?

As you’ve probably noticed, there’s a lot going on in the Betabound community. As a member, you’ll receive emails regularly on new, exclusive tests that we’re running. In addition to those exclusives, we constantly feature new opportunities with other companies and startups on the Betabound homepage. If you’ve been a Betabounder for a while, however, you also know how competitive being selected for our exclusive tests can be and how time-consuming a test can be once you’ve been accepted for a project.

So, we often find that our Betabounders try to get strategic with which tests they apply for. They may wait and only apply to really exciting tests. Or they may be hesitant to apply for the wireless headphones test they were emailed about this morning because they already applied for a similar opportunity the week before.

To clear up any misconceptions, we wanted to give you a little more insight into how our application and selection process works.

You can only apply for a test once

Our platform will only let you apply for a test one time. Sometimes we’ll email our community a few times about a test if it has particularly specific requirements, and we know it’s tough to keep track of which tests you’ve already applied for when you’re going through your inbox. 

If you try to apply for a test again, you’ll automatically be taken to the thank you page at the end of the qualification survey. So, if you’re not sure if you’ve applied for a test yet and you fit the requirements, click the link! We promise you won’t waste your time applying multiple times to the same test.

You’ll only be selected for one test at a time

Our general rule is to only allow a tester to be in one test at a time. We know that our members lead normal lives with everyday obligations, which would make it tough to juggle more than one test at a time. If you somehow end up on two Betabound Exclusive tests at once, let us know and we’ll correct the issue right away. We’d much prefer that than having you burn yourself out trying to do too much at once!

Do keep in mind that many of the opportunities on the Betabound homepage are run by other companies, so we have no idea if you’re involved in those tests. It’s up to you to balance your commitments if you’re testing for multiple companies at once.

Doing well in tests will help you get selected for future tests

You might be thinking, “but if I can only be in one test at a time, shouldn’t I wait and only apply to the really, really cool ones?” The problem is, those tests are our most popular ones and therefore the most difficult to get into. So if you start by only applying to those, you might be frustrated when you aren’t selected.

Every time you participate in a test and do a good job, you’re proving yourself as a tester. This can help you get into future tests because we know we can rely on you to give great, thoughtful feedback to our clients. So, consider starting off with a few of our more niche tests, where you can stand out as a great tester, instead of waiting around to apply for the big tests.

We hope this shines a little light on how the application and selection process works for our tests. Just remember, the two most important aspects of qualifying for a test are fitting the requirements and displaying enthusiasm for the test. Without those, you won’t be accepted into any of our exclusive opportunities!

Look for your next test now!

Look familiar? This post is a part of a series in which we’re breathing new life into some of our older entries.

4 Responses to “How Many Tests Should I Apply For?”

  1. Lucus Bendzsa

    Hey I was just doing a journal for a test and realized I don’t do one dry day I might skip a day or two, but I always leave a nice thousand character reveiw no matter what. Is it a crime norm on on daily journal? If so like is every other day good sometimes? I just want to know, because doing good for the company i am testing for and doing good to get selected for more tests are really important to me because it has always been my dream to test an Android smartphone. I got in on a test way earlier in the year wiht a big company, but I had to sign up in a window of four hours to get the spot. The page always says 48 hours and that really ticked me off. I got them email saying it was too late right as I started checking my email, but my spot was already given away. Ever sinc then in have been in a few tests trying to get my rep back up to test another phone but no such luck has come.

    I may sound obsessive, but I am not. I am just really concerned about doing well for this company and getting to be in a really cool test.

    • Betabound

      Hey Lucus! I realized that we emailed you to answer your questions but we never addressed your question about journals. A journal every other day is totally fine. We don’t want to force you to come up with opinions when you don’t have them. We’d rather have you give feedback naturally, so skipping a day here and there is not a crime. Making up feedback is though 🙂

      • Lucus Bendzsa

        Thanks! Right new I am in a test that has been going on for a few weeks and it has been getting harder to find feeback, but that just makes me use the product more and more! My journals were getting shorter so I usually have them every other day now with quite a bit of content. You know I just love journals. It is the only places really to put honest just how you feel comments about the product.

  2. Ameya Panditrao

    Why is it that very few companies or start-ups give beta testing opportunities outside of the US? Since many companies sell different variants of a product in International and US markets, would’t it be logical for them to conduct beta testing in other countries as well, say like India, for example


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