Preparing for Your Beta Product to Arrive

You just found out that you’ve been picked to be on a Betabound project and you are stoked. You can’t wait for that new product to arrive so you can start testing. However, before you get that new hardware or software to test, there are some steps you need to take to prepare.

Beta testing is a lot of fun but it’s also an important responsibility. Our clients are depending on you to test the product thoroughly, so you need to prepare yourself. We aren’t talking about doing push-ups or buying expensive equipment. Preparation is simply about being ready.

Review the Selection Email

The first email we send you letting you know that you’ve been selected for one of our tests has a lot of information in it. You might see that you’ve been selected and start celebrating right away, but it’s important to carefully read through the entire email. It will outline any initial steps you need to take to secure your spot in the beta test and tell you exactly what’s expected of you. If you have any questions or concerns about the test, let the beta manager know right away. We’d rather know up front than have a surprise once the test has begun.

Block Out the Time

Beta testing doesn’t take a lot of time but it does require that you stay in regular communication over several weeks. You need to make sure your calendar is free and that you’ll have time to log in to the project each day for a few minutes.

Verify Your Contact Information

If it’s a hardware test, you need to make sure your shipping address is up to date and it’s a place where someone can sign for the package. For both software and hardware projects, verify your email and phone number are current. You may also want to make certain that our email messages aren’t going into your spam folder.

Consider the NDA

You will be signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) which means keeping the product secret during the test. If you have friends or family who live with you, explain to them the importance of not discussing or sharing any information about the test. You will also need to think about your daily routine and whether or not the product might be exposed to others.

Check Your System

When you applied, you were selected because you met the technical and personal requirements for the test. Before beginning the test, invest a little time to make certain that your system is ready and working. Review the project site in Betabound to see if the product has any special hardware or software requirements that you’ll need to get ready.

Bookmark Betabound

Over the course of your beta test, you’ll be logging in to our portal a lot. Make sure you put at the top of your favorites. It will act as a helpful reminder to log in and share your feedback during the project.

The beginning of a beta test is an exciting time and these steps will help you make the most of that window between when you’re selected and the test begins. That way you can focus exclusively on the product the moment you get it in your hands.

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2 Responses to “Preparing for Your Beta Product to Arrive”

  1. Cynthia Moorefield

    Great information, I started my first test and really love every minute of it! I see I have a lot of work to do and hope that I can supply enough great information, bugs and more to help shape this product and future products =) Thanks so much Betabound!

    • Betabound

      Hey Cynthia – that’s great! We always love hearing about the experiences our testers have in our tests. You definitely sound determined to be the best tester you can be, so no, thank YOU! 🙂

      We have a lot of useful content on this blog to help you become the best beta tester you can be. Hopefully it continues to come in handy!


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