The Value of Our Tester Community

With Thanksgiving fast approaching, we wanted to take the time to thank you all for being a part of the Betabound family!

Most of you discovered our community because you genuinely wanted to help improve the tech products you already use. For that, we thank you! Our clients are consistently impressed by the enthusiasm, intellect, helpfulness, and charisma apparent within our testers’ participation and product feedback. We like to think companies seek us out because of our robust beta test management services, but stay because of the heart of our community.

No company can grow without the support of an awesome community of dedicated users — Betabound included! We wouldn’t be able to offer beta testing opportunities for the array of products we support (smart lights to TVs to baby wearables to smart ovens — oh my!) without our ever-growing community.

Betabounders represent a wide diversity of demographics, testing interests, platforms, and experiences. Our testers aren’t cookie-cutter, and neither are the products we have available to test. Your unique perspectives have helped product developers uncover bugs, fine-tune their design, dream up new features, and develop launch strategies. Every product developer questions if their product can improve its users’ lives in some way, and your feedback helps them answer that question.

In fact, we have completed hundreds of Betabound Exclusive Tests over the past few years with the help of your participation and feedback! These are beta tests that are run by the Centercode managed betas team, where our beta managers collaborate with testers one-on-one to gather the feedback product developers need to successfully launch their product.

So this Thanksgiving, we wanted to say thank you. We greatly appreciate you joining our community, participating in our beta tests, and sharing your thoughts on the products you beta test. By exploring the emerging technologies presented within our community, you’re helping to improve the worldwide technology landscape. So, we love that you share the same passions for tech and helpfulness that run through our team as well.

Thank you for your involvement in our beta tester community. If you have any questions about Betabound or how you could get more involved, please comment below or email us at

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23 Responses to “The Value of Our Tester Community”

  1. Brandon S

    Thanks Betabound for giving us the opportunity to reach out and help our community by making products better! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  2. Leo Villanueva

    Thank you for the awesome platform where we feel our voice is heard and allowing us to work together to create a better product.

  3. hmcby

    So far I have only had one chance to be a tester but I found the project to be very informative and fun. I hope to become a bigger part of the community in the future and have a chance to test more products and learn more.

    • Dacker

      In my ~ five year experience with Centercode-based beta testing, once you’ve proven your mettle on one company’s beta program you stand a pretty good chance of getting on more from the same company.

      I’ve now completed six tests for one well know company, three for another big company, plus a few one-offs, and a couple which seemed to just disappear before starting.

      The key is to be an effective beta tester. This means recognizing issues and writing them up with as much detail as possible. They seem to really appreciate screen dumps and photos. I take that a step further by often annotating the photos with arrows, circle, and text. It also means being responsive to beta program managers’ questions and requests.

      Good luck!

  4. Richard Moody

    I’ve been a member of the Betabound community for awhile now and always loving getting the invites to test out a few new products. Unfortunately most of the time I don’t make it past the invite stage. I was accepted to one of the new smart thermostat betas, but unfortunately we couldn’t work out the logistics to have it installed. Hopefully 2017 will bring some exciting new chances and new products to try out!

  5. Tim Geloff

    This was a pleasant experience doing this testing and then having one of the managers of the product I was testing to actually call and let me know how impressed he was with my suggestions, bugs, etc. I really do know it goes farther than just mentioning items on Betabound. I hope have the chance to do some additional testing for this company. Nice to see what is up and coming, like the sneak peak so to speak.

  6. Wolfx

    Thank you Betabound for the opportunity to the help community by allowing us to test products and hopefully make them better! Happy Thanksgiving

  7. Carol Y

    Thank you for the opportunity to participate. I enjoy testing and appreciate the feedback that Betabound gives. You guys make it fun and informative!

  8. tjstorie

    I appreciate the oppurtunity to give my input on anything in the automotive field! I’d gladly participate in any betas in the future! Have a great Thanksgiving.

  9. Jackson Presley

    Thanks a bunch Betabound. You guys are awesome to work with. It’s been great exploring and having a say in improving these products with you guys. Looking forward to years more!!

  10. Relidtm

    Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this community I love coming here and trying out new products as well as the feedback from everyone happy holidays to everyone as well as anyone I have tested with 🙂

  11. CynnaMonkey

    Thank you for all of the amazing opportunities you have facilitated over the years! You have created such a streamlined platform which allows for excellent communication and brainstorming so that all of us Can can have an easier time during beta tests. It sure makes the entire process more user friendly and a lot more appealing just on that note. The hard work your team puts into making the site work for all of us is amazing ♡ I really appreciated it on the projects I was able to work on! Thank you and happy holidays!

  12. Rl Dreams

    Giving thanks back to BetaBound for giving us the opportunity to play with all these wonderful new toys. It’s all your fault I had to go over to the darkside and buy an Ipad just to add it as another test platform. #AndroidForever 🙂

  13. Danielle Fortuna

    Thanks Betabound and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you as well. I love being part of the Betabound community and the Beta Team Managers are great. Nothing beats the feeling of knowing you helped make a better product, and its fun at the same time. 🙂

  14. Sharon Denise Allen

    I just want to say thanks to you guys. Thanks for everything your doing for technology and all of the learning experiences your giving us. I’m always looking forward for a chance to be part of your technological world. Thanks and HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you.

  15. Ralph Farr

    I have been a member of Betabound and CenterCode for a long time. It is always exciting to get the opportunity to try out new products and hopefully help to make them better. Thank you for allowing me to be part of the community and inviting me to test all this new technology. It sure is fun! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at Betabound and all the other beta testers.

  16. John

    Happy Holidays to everyone as well. I too appreciate the chance to test and advise on the varied items we come across. It has been a real pleasure to interact with professionals who know their business and work with the testers as wonderfully as you do.

  17. Michelle Vanco

    Happy Thanksgiving!! You guys are doing a great job! I would love to be more involved!

  18. Christine Hotelling Preece

    Thank you!!!! This community has been a lot of fun for me and I have really enjoyed being apart of it. Happy Thanksgiving !!!!

  19. tfrankson

    Happy Holidays and thanks for the opportunity to join such a wonderful community of fellow testers. I’m looking forward to beta test future products and be more involved.


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