Understanding the Luck of the Draw

With St. Patrick’s Day fast approaching, we thought we’d take a moment to reflect on how luck plays into tester selection. With over 170,000 Betabounders in our community, our private Betabound Exclusives can be pretty competitive. Our test managers focus on individuals’ unique qualifications, application, and past performance when selecting applicants for a test. Those three factors, and a little luck, are what get you picked for our projects.

Your Qualifications

The first thing a test manager does when selecting testers for an upcoming project is to filter for qualified candidates. If the project is for iOS users, then testers with an Android phone are disqualified. Test managers run these filters based on the test platforms you’ve added to your tester account — like what kind of mobile phone you own.

Next, our test managers will look for testers who meet the basic requirements of that application’s qualification survey. Every project has a unique qualification survey. These surveys are specifically designed so testers can’t “game” them in an attempt to be selected. For example, there might be a rating-scale question asking how techie you’d consider yourself. Since we’re recruiting beta testers, many testers assume we’re looking for advanced techies — and mark their application accordingly. In actuality, our clients are always seeking testers with different backgrounds and skill sets — so it’s impossible to predict or gamify these surveys. However, if you’ve filled out a project’s qualification survey honestly — then you’ve put your best foot forward toward increasing your chances of getting picked.

Your Application

Assuming you meet the basic qualifications of a project, our test managers will then review your submitted application. Based on your qualification survey answers and written response, our test managers can get a sense of who you are. More importantly, your written response answer gives our team the most valuable insight into how you’d contribute to a tester team. The best responses to this portion of the application are clear, concise, and thoughtful. Our team is looking for testers that would be a good fit for that specific project’s product — not just robust tester profiles.

For example, if we’re recruiting for a pet wearable then it’s helpful to explain what kind of pet you own, how you would integrate this device into your household, and why you’re interested in beta testing it. This answer is more meaningful to our team than learning you’ve been a mechanical engineer for the past 20 years. Yes — that experience will probably make you a better tester. However, this pet wearable is going to be primarily purchased by consumers that don’t share in that same technical background. Therefore, it’s helpful to keep in mind that our clients care less about your technical background and more about testers that resemble their product’s ideal, future customer.

Your Past Performance

Lastly, our test managers take a look at your account. If you’ve been selected for previous beta tests, how did you do? Did you actively submit feedback and complete tasks on time, or did you miss deadlines? If you haven’t been selected for a client beta test yet, then they take that into account too! We’re always looking to get new testers into our private Betabound Exclusives. You can boost your chances of getting selected by ensuring your account’s test platforms and testing interests are up-to-date, participating in public Betabound Exclusives, submitting community surveys when they’re available, referring your friends, and reading the Betabound Blog to get the inside scoop on all of our tester tips.

Once you’ve applied to a private Betabound Exclusive that interests you, our team checks to ensure you meet that project’s basic qualifications, that you’ve submitted a solid application, and that you have a great reputation as a tester (even if you’re a newbie!). From there, all you need is a little patience and some good old-fashioned luck. Betabound has over 170,000 testers vying to get selected for cool projects — so hang in there! It can take a couple of submitted applications, but we’re always doing our best to get testers (both advanced and new) selected for our projects. If you have any questions, comment below or send us a shout-out.

Learn what happens after you submit your application for a test!

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