Unintentionally Violating Your NDA

Getting selected to participate in a test is an exciting time. The product you’ve been chosen to test is likely something that you’re enthusiastic about and would probably use in your daily life anyway. However, one big concern companies have when handing over their pre-release product to a group of people in the real world is secrecy.

Companies understand that their avid users and early adopters are very enthusiastic about their product. However, this enthusiasm can sometimes get misdirected in a manner that can inadvertently compromise the test.

We know that a majority of our Betabounders would never intentionally violate the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) they signed at the beginning of the test. However, sometimes testers can get so excited about a product that they cross that line unintentionally. Below we list a few ways that we’ve seen testers go a bit beyond where they’re supposed to, so you know where that line is and can protect yourself and the project by not crossing it.

Many of you find out about our testing opportunities from other Betabounders posting the landing pages on forums. It’s great to spread the word about exciting testing opportunities (and we encourage you to share anything that’s on the public landing page with your friends and social networks). The problem arises when you return to that forum after you’re selected, let other readers know you were selected, and share details about the product. Even something as innocuous as “I got in! The smartphone is on its way!” could be a violation of your NDA. So it’s best to keep your selection to yourself. We do have a team that monitors forums and you will be removed from the test if you share information about the test with others.

Social Media
We currently live in a culture of over-sharing. While you might be in the habit of putting a daily update on Facebook or posting every meal on Instagram, you have to break the habit when you become a tester. Even though you’re just sharing the information with your friends, you don’t ultimately know who is going to see your post. A quick screenshot of your update and it could end up in anyone’s hands. This means that even if you’re trying to be vague or clever (“Guess what I got in the mail today?”), a simple message or image could be a huge NDA violation.

Your Friends
Testing out a new streaming device and want to invite your buddies over to test it out with you? Think again. Your friends probably don’t understand the importance of NDAs the way you do, so they might not realize that taking pictures or sharing details with others is not okay. If those pictures get out, you will be held responsible for what they shared and face any repercussions that follow.

How Do I Know Where the Line Is?
There will always be gray areas when it comes to testing secrecy. If I’m testing a TV, can my family watch it? (The answer is probably yes, by the way.) Does the NDA ever expire? (Yes, but exactly when varies.) If you’re ever unsure about something, just ask us. Talk to your test manager or email hello@betabound.com. We’re always happy to clarify your responsibilities and make sure you know what’s expected of you.

Who Can I Tell?
It can be frustrating to keep all this excitement to yourself. That’s why we’ve developed our platform to give you the opportunity to share your excitement in a way that doesn’t violate your NDA. Want to shout your excitement from the rooftops? Log in and write a Discussion post about how amazing it is that you get to test this product.

There are a bunch of other equally enthusiastic testers within the project space that would love to gush about how cool the product is with you. So go nuts! Talk about how you used the product that day and what surprised or disappointed you about it. Just remember not to put it up on Twitter or other social media networks afterward.

Not a Betabound community member yet? Sign up now!

Look familiar? This post is a part of a series in which we’re breathing new life into some of our older entries.

4 Responses to “Unintentionally Violating Your NDA”

  1. Lucus Bendzsa

    Glad to know about TVs and families. I mean you really can’t keep your wife or kids that live wiht you completely in the dark when you are testing. Most of the time I just don’t tell them I am testing. It would be pretty weird to throw a towel over your desk every time your wife came in!!!

    • Betabound

      Yeah, we get that we can’t ask you to use a product in your daily lives but also not let anyone else be in the same room as it. Sounds like you’ve found a good solution that’s working for your family. Keep it up!

  2. Jonathan M.

    I had this problem with testing a phone. My solution to “hey, I’ve never seen that phone, what is it? ” was saying it was a weird named phone from China that wasn’t sold in America. ..that usually resulted in “ohhhh”


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