We Want to Know How You Watch TV!

From time to time we launch community surveys within Betabound to get an idea of how our community is responding to trends in the tech world. When we can, we also report back to tell you about the results of those surveys, like when we asked our community about what motivates you to participate in beta tests. The results of these surveys help us understand the Betabound community so we can continue to improve your testing experience and bring you tests that you’re genuinely interested in.

We just launched a new community survey that looks at your TV and movie viewing habits. With the rise of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, more and more people are changing the way they consume TV and movies. Cable isn’t king the way it once was. In fact, online video streaming viewership is growing at an astonishing 60% per month pace, whereas traditional TV viewership has declined roughly 4% (Reelseo).

We were curious how this trend is affecting Betabound community members. Our survey looks at the services and devices you use to watch TV shows and movies. It also asks for your thoughts on TV watching trends as a whole. To take this survey, either click the link below or log in to your Betabound account and look for the survey link on the left side of the screen.

Once we have enough responses, we’ll report back on the results here on the blog. The results of this survey with help us and our clients understand how you view this evolving technology, so they can build (and then you can test) products that better suit your needs. The better we understand your interests as a tech user, the better beta opportunities we can bring you.

Please take a moment to tell us your thoughts. We’ll do a random drawing of all of our survey takers to give five lucky winners Betabound t-shirts, so log in and start the survey now!

By the way, if you have a topic you’d like to see in a future community survey, feel free to let us know in the comments below.

Take the survey now!

3 Responses to “We Want to Know How You Watch TV!”

  1. Lucus Bendzsa

    Speaking on the terms of TV media entertainment video game beta tests are pretty lost nowaday. Developers psych there game to millions of people for these so called “class tests” that anyone can sign up for and do hardly anything but check for crash reports. Developers need to get in touch with the gamers and find out what we really want and desire in these video games. Star Wars Battlefront has received much criticism for good reason. People are angry with the decisions they have made to only include the original trilogy, no instant action, and many other things. This is an area where Centercode needs to reach out and offer a hand and fix this broken system.

    • Sonya Allstun

      Beta test are a great way to achieve this but companies need to realize also that running your beta test for only a couple weeks and rushing the product to market can cause such problems. Its sad when you beta test a product that has such great potential and the company behind the product does not want to put in the time it takes to make it function well and what the testers ideas would be to help make this product as great as it can be.When you see one of these games pushed out this way instead of being tested as it should be with a controlled beta group its sad and the reason behind a lot of people fleeing the computer game market. When a game is buggy that you can not enjoy it, then these companies will only be their own down fall sad to say.


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