What Products Can I Beta Test on Betabound?

With dozens of new beta tests going live every week, some Betabounders worry that they’re missing the tests they’re most interested in. Here’s some help understanding the different types of products you can beta test, as well as advice on ensuring you’re hearing about them.

Remember, the two best ways to learn about our available beta testing opportunities is through your email inbox and the Betabound homepage. In both cases, you’ll be provided with a brief description of the product (brief so as not to violate any privileged information about our clients’ products) that should give you some understanding of what it is. From there, you can decide if you want to apply and, ultimately, participate in that test!

But what are the products you can actually beta test on Betabound? If you click ‘Beta Types’ on the Betabound homepage, you can check out all the products available on Betabound (see below). A successful beta test can have a huge impact on the success of a product. Therefore, all tech companies benefit from testing their products in front of different audiences that represent their target markets. So, it’s no surprise you can find beta tests for just about every type of product on Betabound!

screenshot of betabound beta product types

You can click through some of our most popular product types, including mobile apps and video games. As an insider tip, we recommend bookmarking the URLs of product types you’re especially interested in (like hardware products), so you can easily come back to them and quickly check for new testing opportunities.

Ultimately, Betabound offers testing opportunities for software, mobile, gaming, wearables, smart home products, and more! We announce beta testing opportunities from both Centercode clients and companies seeking enthusiastic testers, so our product list is always growing as new technologies evolve.

Because of this, it’s important to periodically update your Betabound profile’s test platforms and testing interests to make sure you don’t miss out on an opportunity to test the latest and greatest in a particular tech product type! We’re regularly updating the fields for testing platforms and interests to reflect what’s popular in the current consumer tech marketplace. When we know what products you own and which you’re interested in testing, we can be sure to alert you when there’s a test we think you’ll be a good fit for!

You’re the decider in the beta products you test — both in how you hear about them and if you choose to apply. You can hear about our open opportunities through your email inbox, or our homepage and social media channels. We know our product descriptions can be cryptic in an effort to protect the interests of certain clients, but we do our best to give you the most product information possible. You can also always email us at hello@betabound.com if you have any questions regarding a particular beta testing opportunity.

Learn more about how beta tests get on Betabound!

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