Your Complete Beta Testing Cheat Sheet

There are four key stages of being a beta tester: the application process, getting accepted, participating in the test, and then the aftermath. This blog post is intended to be a cheat sheet for you depending on what stage of the beta testing process you’re in so you can make the most out of each phase.

For instance, if you’re not getting accepted into as many tests as you’d like, it might be that your applications could be improved. A great first step would be checking out the stage one “Applying to a Test” blog posts below to see if there are any tester tips you could implement in your next application to help improve your chances of getting selected for future tests.

Below, you can find shortcuts to our recommended resources while you’re participating in different stages of the testing process:

Applying to a Test

What Do Beta Testers Actually Do?
The 3 Kinds of Beta Tests on Betabound
How to Apply to a Betabound Beta Test: Part One
How to Apply to a Betabound Beta Test: Part Two
How Many Tests Should I Apply For?
The One Question You’ll See on Every Betabound Application
Boost Your Chances of Getting Selected
Quick Writing Tips for Beta Testers
10 Common Questions Asked by Testers

Accepted to a Test

Beta Tester Glossary
Unintentionally Violating your NDA
The Legal Documents of Beta Testing
What’s OK to Share?
Preparing for Your Beta Product to Arrive
The 7 Major Beta Tester Responsibilities
When to Contact Your Beta Manager
Tester Confidentiality: What’s the Big Deal?

During a Test

How to Be an Above-Average Beta Tester
7 Types of Feedback You’ll Need to Submit
3 Different Types of Helpful Feature Requests
4 Ways to Give Feedback During a Betabound Beta Test
7 Tips for Submitting Clear Bug Reports
How Daily Journals Improve Beta Tests
How To Get Help During a Beta Test

After a Test

Putting Your Beta Testing Experience on Your Resume
10 Important Life Skills Learned from Beta Testing

Our goal is for you to get the most out of your beta testing experience with us. If any of these phases are still fuzzy, we invite you to comment below or email us at In the meantime, happy testing!

Want to browse more of our tester advice? Visit the blog homepage!

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